Hey, I’m just a guy who has lived a lot. I've been around 60 years, and ever since I can remember, I’ve valued helping people live healthier, happier, more successful and more fulfilling lives by leading them to make better choices. I grew up in Baton Rouge, Louisiana. I went to college and have lived in New York, New Jersey and Virginia. I traveled all over the world for about 15 years. Now, I live in Baton Rouge again.

My coaching, Energy Leadership Development Program and workshops help to change self-sabotaging patterns and belief systems. My work is grounded in maintaining dignity, believing that each of us can change, improve and grow, regardless of the situation. We all have capabilities that we have yet to recognize and tap into.

More about me

Professional Bio

What’s my background?


Royal Victoria Hospital

Assistant Professor

Departments of Psychology and Psychiatry at McGill

Medical Scientist

Departments of Psychology and Psychiatry at McGill

Sports Consultant

Expos Baseball team

NHL Players’ Association

Member of Professional Clinical Associations

Canadian and American Psychological Associations

Ordre des Psychologues du Québec
